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IngSoft InterWatt in use at AWB Abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe Köln GmbH

User report

From time-consuming Excel list maintenance to effective energy monitoring

20.06.2024 4 Minutes

With almost 2,000 employees, AWB Köln is the municipal service provider for waste disposal, recyclables collection, city cleaning and winter services and a daily companion to the people of Cologne. The waste management company is committed to sustainability and active environmental and resource protection. True to the motto: "SIMPLE. CLEAN. BETTER." Energy efficiency is also an important starting point. Find out in our user report how AWB has set up effective energy monitoring in its operations with IngSoft InterWatt.

Company data at a glance

SectorWaste management/
Circular economy
Services- Waste disposal
- Recyclables collection
- City cleaning
- Winter services
Company sizeapprox. 2,000 employees

Improve data quality & resolution

Before the introduction of IngSoft InterWatt, the AWB's energy data was "maintained" in an Excel file that had "grown" over many years and by several clerks. The result: This led to a great deal of confusion and delayed errors. Day-to-day work was cumbersome and time-consuming. In addition, the data resolution was poor: for the most part, only annual consumption was displayed - occasionally also monthly consumption, which, however, had gaps. In the end, it was clear that the Excel lists had to be replaced by software specially tailored to energy monitoring.

The most important requirement fulfilled: Saving time

"In my opinion, the most important resource is time. Therefore, working with the software should be quick and uncomplicated," reports Kaspar J. Zekorn, Team Leader Facility Management and Deputy Head of the Facility Management Department at AWB. Another criterion in the search for suitable software was also the accuracy of fit with the area of application: CAFM software, for example, can often also handle energy data, but only offers a limited range of functions for energy management.

IngSoft InterWatt more than meets these requirements, as Kaspar J. Zekorn points out: "IngSoft InterWatt has proven to be highly efficient software for energy monitoring thanks to its specialization and well thought-out user interface. I am particularly enthusiastic about its operation."

IngSoft InterWatt customer since:June 2021
Number of energy properties managed:27
Number of meters recorded:
  • Currently 111
  • as soon as all properties are equipped with data loggers approx. 250-300
  • Further increase due to planned expansion of the charging infrastructure
Type of data collection:

Automated & manual:

  • Automated via load profile data by e-mail
  • Automated via data logger in future
  • Manual input in IngSoft InterWatt
  • Manual input via the IngSoft InterWatt Mobile app
Recorded energy sources:
  • Electricity
  • water
  • gas
  • Local heating
Data sources used:
  • Manual meter reading
  • Load profile data by e-mail from the energy supplier
  • in future: data logger
Particularly relevant features:
  • Evaluation
  • Monitoring of anomalies
  • Documentation of implemented measures

Fast, smooth implementation of the software

Once the decision in favor of IngSoft InterWatt had been made, it was time for the implementation: The software was introduced quickly and without any difficulties, recalls Kaspar J. Zekorn: "A particular challenge was the software check by our data protection department, but this also went smoothly thanks to good support from IngSoft." AWB appreciates the fast response time and the technical expertise of IngSoft Customer Service, both during the introduction and during ongoing operation.

Complex evaluations visualized in an understandable way

Software-supported energy monitoring got off to a quick start and now delivers the expected added value: not only can evaluations now be created quickly and easily - complex analyses with multiple data series and a higher level of detail are also possible. They form an ideal basis for steering user behavior within the property in the right direction.

The visual display of consumption evaluations is particularly helpful: The graphical form means that the information can be easily understood - even by other departments within the AWB. For example, the success of measures (which may originally have been controversial) can be easily verified afterwards, as the benefits achieved are clearly visible thanks to the graphical representation.

Load profile data for charging infrastructure

In addition, the evaluation and presentation of load profile data is also very helpful for the AWB when capping peak loads. This also allows conclusions to be drawn for the planning of future charging infrastructure.

Energy management software with added value

With the goal of 'environmental and resource protection' in mind, AWB's decision in favor of IngSoft InterWatt has proven to be absolutely the right step: "I can recommend IngSoft InterWatt without reservation to any company that has several properties and a correspondingly higher number of meters. With IngSoft InterWatt, it is possible to efficiently achieve high added value with little effort. In my opinion, the software is an effective tool for the efficient evaluation of consumption," says Kaspar J. Zekorn.

What AWB Abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe Köln GmbH particularly appreciate about IngSoft InterWatt

  • Wide range of data collection options
  • Plausibility check of the data quality
  • Complex evaluations with several data series and high data resolution
  • Sophisticated and easy-to-use user interface
  • Saves time
  • Clear visualization of consumption evaluations
  • Evaluation of load profile data for planning future charging infrastructure

Do you have questions about this use case or about our energy management software?