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Valuation of energy-related investments

Evaluate energy efficiency measures economically

IngSoft InterWatt enables you to carry out an initial evaluation of measures in accordance with DIN EN 17463, also known as the VALERI method (Valuation of energy-related investments).

Many companies have enormous energy-saving potential that is not being exploited. To reduce this so-called energy efficiency gap, the DIN EN 17463 (so-called "VALERI method") was developed. The standard is used for the economic evaluation and implementation of energy efficiency measures and corresponds to the basic idea of a net present value method. In contrast to other methods, such as a simple calculation of the amortization period, the VALERI method makes the long-term value of an investment in efficiency measures visible.

This method is of particular importance due to the fact that laws and regulations reference DIN EN 17463, e.g:

  • Fuel Emission Trading (BECV) (so-called Carbon Leakage Ordinance) (§ 11)
  • Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG) (Section 9)
  • Energy Financing Act (EnFG) (Section 2, Section 30)
  • Electricity price compensation (SPK) (Para. 4.3)

Evaluation of measures in IngSoft InterWatt

With IngSoft InterWatt you can carry out a profitability assessment of your energy-related investments. To do this, you enter the desired measures with the necessary investment costs and the expected savings - the software then carries out the dynamic evaluation according to the standard.

The software calculates the dynamic amortization period (in years), the capital value after the expected term and the profitability of the measure in relation to the useful life (as a percentage), taking into account the calculation interest rate, cost increase and term.

You can use the calculated values to estimate whether there are any implementation obligations under the laws and regulations mentioned. The regulations make different specifications as to when a measure is to be classified as economical and implemented:*

Pos. capital value after X %
of the useful life

60 %
(2023 to 2025)

90 %
(from 2026)

50 %60 %

60 %
(2023 to 2025)

90 %
(from 2026)

Max. Useful life /
Assessment period
9 years15 years9 years9 years

*Status: December 2024

This measure evaluation in IngSoft InterWatt is particularly valuable for the mandatory initial evaluation, as it allows the required assessment to be carried out and documented with little effort.

For measures that you consider in more detail, a detailed calculation created with any other tool (such as Microsoft Excel) can also be stored in IngSoft InterWatt.

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