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Energy efficiency

What does energy efficiency mean?

Energy efficiency is the be-all and end-all

Existence-threatening energy costs, scarcity of fossil resources, high greenhouse gas emissions and advancing climate change, as well as negative environmental impacts from energy generation processes are putting energy saving and energy efficiency on the agenda of many companies and municipalities. In the face of these challenges, one thing is certain: the best energy is that which does not have to be generated at all.

Energy saving versus energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is not the same as energy saving. Energy efficiency describes the amount of energy required to provide a certain utility. Better or higher energy efficiency means lower effort per utility (energy efficiency = effort/benefit). In energy consumption or general energy saving, only the effort is considered. Instead, if you use energy effectively, you take all circumstances and influences into account.

Energy efficiency – an example

To put it simply: Just switching off production equipment saves energy, but at the same time it brings production to a standstill. Depending on the plant or energy consumer, the benefit must therefore almost always also be measured. A key figure must be formed from this and the energy consumption in order to assess the energy efficiency. Only then is it possible to make statements about it and compare the data.

In addition, when determining energy efficiency, various relevant influencing factors that affect the energy consumers must also be taken into account. For example, a heating system consumes significantly more energy at a lower outdoor temperature in order to heat a room to a specified temperature (utility).

The actual energy saved can only be determined based on energy efficiency compared to a baseline.

Comparability through energy performance indicators (EnPIs)

Key performance indicators – whether simple or complex – are called energy performance indicators (EnPIs). IngSoft InterWatt offers a key performance indicator editor for the creation of these and other key performance indicators relevant to energy management. Here, measurement data is linked by mathematical formulas so that you get measurable results on energy efficiency.

But how do you know which formula to create and whether the benefit must be taken into account? How do you know whether all influencing factors have been recorded and whether they are relevant at all? You can almost never say with 100 per cent certainty. But with statistical methods, you can get very accurate answers to these questions. You want to learn more about energy performance indicators (EnPIs)?

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What subsidies for energy efficiency are currently available?

There are already numerous subsidy programs for companies to increase operational energy and resource efficiency. Examples include:

  • Federal funding for energy and resource efficiency in commerce (EEW): the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) supports investment measures for the resource-oriented optimisation of industrial and commercial plants and processes. These are intended to increase energy and resource efficiency or reduce fossil energy consumption in companies and thus contribute to the energy turnaround. Funding is provided for the purchase, installation and commissioning of energy management software, among other things. The prerequisite is that the software meets the eligibility criteria of BAFA. IngSoft InterWatt meets these conditions and is therefore eligible for funding.
  • Kommunalrichtlinie: The strategic and investment climate protection project of municipalities is also supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Municipalities can, for example, apply for a grant for the introduction and expansion of an energy management system. The amount depends on the respective measure.

Determining energy efficiency with IngSoft InterWatt

IngSoft InterWatt performs the statistical evaluations for you using various and extensive regression analyses. With a few clicks you get all relevant information to determine your energy efficiency verifiably correct. Once created, you can use the key figures to compare any points in time and periods with each other using the software and have the actual energy savings output. Keep an eye on your target and your energy demand with IngSoft InterWatt.

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