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IngSoft InterWatt in the retail sector

The software for energy management, climate and environment in retail companies

Trade-specific requirements

There are many ways for retail companies to save energy. The challenge: Due to the highly branched company structures with branches, logistics centers and the like, it requires an enormous amount of work to obtain transparency about company-wide energy use. Unnecessary additional consumers, such as defective or energy-intensive cooling systems, therefore often go undetected. High costs are the result.

Identify stores with the highest base load

We know the special requirements of retail companies and provide you with the right solution for your digitalised energy, climate and environmental management. With our software IngSoft InterWatt, you can keep track of your energy consumption in an uncomplicated and effortless manner – even with a very large number of locations. You can determine the stores with the highest base load, also depending on relevant influencing variables such as opening hours and customer frequency. Take action now: increase the energy efficiency of your retail spaces and effectively reduce your energy costs.

Current overview – even if your store network is changing

We know that store openings or closures are not uncommon, especially in retail. Our software quickly records such changes and provides you with an up-to-date overview of the energy consumption of your actual branch network. In addition, you can assign the data relevant for your energy management to each store individually – also through an automated import from third-party and external systems.

Advantages for retail companies at a glance

Particularly relevant features

For the trade


Simplified reporting due to report templates and a template designer for individual configuration.

More about reporting

Budget and forecast module

Based on the data you have already collected, you can predict future consumption values and costs.

More about the budget & forecast module

Document Management

Keep an overview: Manage and classify important documents, such as delivery point contracts.

More about document management

Satisfied customers

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InterWatt: News categories

IngSoft is certified according to ISO 27001

Careful handling of customer data and the security of information and systems used are top priorities for us. Therefore, we act according to the…

User reports

Success story: This is how the city of Kiel achieved 20 per cent energy savings

Markus Noldin and Jan Scheer, energy managers of the city of Kiel, told us in an in-depth interview how they achieved around 20 per cent energy…

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